Positive life tips

Mamta Rajshree
5 min readSep 1, 2017

Positive life tips from Manusmriti

The highest knowledge is the knowledge of Vedas. Such intellectuals receive the bliss in this world and in the end get the salvation. The text describes positive life tips collected from Manusmriti to get self healing and positive vibrations throughout the life.

2. Always respect and worship the food given to you. Take food respectfully. Food that is always worshiped gives strength and rejoices otherwise, which is not worshiped and not respected is injurious for the health.

3. Never give your leaves after meal to anyone. Always clean your mouth after taking food. Don’t go anywhere without cleaning your mouth.

4. Excessive eating is always prejudicial. Food, more than the need of the body, is against the law of religion, bliss and longevity.

5. Never injure other from the heart or deed. Also, if one scorn for the insult done by others, will sleep peacefully and bliss fully. The person who did the insult will automatically trash.

6. Always respect your guests with love, food and other needful. Such people get the grace and blessings from God.

7. Never weep or shed tears, angry, tell a lie and depressed on the day of “shradakarma” of mother and father. Additionally, never disregard the Brahman while giving the food.

8. If a person weeps while giving food, the “shradafal” goes to Ghosts (“Pretas”), if a person angry, “shradafal” goes to enemies and if a person tell a lie, the “shradafal” goes to dogs, if a person splash the food, the “shradafal” goes to devils and if a person tell a lie, the “shradafal” goes to sinners

9. Never invite any other person to view the rainbow in case you see the rainbow in the sky.

Positive life tips

10. The place where women are honoured and praised is a place of bliss. Where women are not honoured, no sacred rite yields any reward.

11. The family, where women are in grief, soon perishes, but the family where women are happy ever prosperous and bliss.

12. The family where women are not honoured and gifted by cloths and jewellery soon perishes from the curse of women. Always, women must be praised and gifted on the occasions of festivals.

Positive life tips

13. Daily take bath from head to feet. Begin bath from head and then other part of the body.

14. Don’t scratch your head with both the hands.

15. One should not urine on a road, ashes, ploughed land, ant hills, mountain, water, and in old temple.

16. Sex with a lady who is not your wife, is the biggest sin in the world.

17. One can get prosperity from unrighteousness, one can get great fortunes as well, but in the end such person perishes completely from the root

18. Never disregards the snake, Brahman, Ygya and Vedas.

19. One should not disregard oneself, it is considered as a sin, always efforts for the betterment.

20. Never deny donating if anyone comes and demands. Whatever you can donate more or less give. Sometimes, donation given to a right person may remove all the sins of your past and present.

21. A giver of water gets satisfaction, a giver of food gets imperishable bliss, a giver of sesame gets offspring and a giver of lamp gets eyesight

22. A giver of land obtains land, a giver of gold gets long life, a giver of a house gets mansions, a giver of silver gets beauty, a giver of cloths gets a place on moon (Chandraloka), a giver of a horse gets a place in the world of Asvins, a giver of a draught-ox gets good fortune and a giver of cow gets the world of the sun (Suryaloka)

23. A giver of a carriage or a bed gets a wife, a giver of protection gets supreme domination, a giver of grains gets eternal bliss, a giver of Vedas suppresses all other forms of gifts water, food, cows, land, cloths, sesame, and gold and clarified butter, this the highest level of giving.

24. Whatever gift you give, the same will be given to you in some of your future life.

25. Person receives his/her good or evil mental act in his/her mind, verbal act in his/her speech and body act in his/her physical body.

26. Person reborn as the trees or plants due to sin performed through the body, as animals or birds due to sin performed by words and as “Chandals” due to the sin performed by mind.

27. Persons reborn with all the fruits of his/her past lives actions tied to the soul and hence, face all pains and pleasures in the current life.

28. God pervades in all created beings in five forms and constantly makes them by means of birth, growth and decay. God revolves them like a wheel.

29. Indra, Agni, Sun, Moon, Space, Earth, Sky, etc. all are the manifestation of super soul. One who perceives all these in his/her self and other persons receives Super SOUL or GOD.

30. There is no cure of old age, hence, always respect and help the old people, as you will receive the same what you give today.

31. Take food as directed in the figure given below:


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