Personality Traits of People Born On Sunday Monday … Saturday — lifeinvedas
People born on Sunday, Monday, or any other day carry the energy of associate planets such as the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn, etc.
These planets impact the personality of the people throughout life.
Personality Traits of People Born On Sunday
People born on Sunday carry the energy of the Sun and Uranus. Important facts about these people are as below-
Lord Dedicated to Sunday
Sunday is dedicated to Lord Sun
The number of the Sun is 1, therefore these are the number 1 people.
People Born On Sunday represents all that is creative, individual, determined, and positive.
People Born On Sunday has the following traits in general, however, these traits may differ in many people who born on Sunday due to a variety of other factors too such as -
- Month,
- Year,
- Place,
- Family, in which they were born.
- And the most important is the energy of their Past Karma, they possess, etc.:-
This number 1 also relates to all men and women born under the number 1, such as on the 1st, 10th, I9th, or 28th of any month (the addition of all these numbers is 1).
But more especially so if they were born between the 21st July and the 28th August, which is the period of the Zodiac called the “House of the Sun,” or
from the 21st March to the 28th April, when the Sun enters the Vernal Equinox and is considered elevated or all-powerful during this period.
All such people who were born under the number 1 in these particular periods must have the qualities in a distinctly more marked degree.
- People Born On Sunday are very creative and inventive
- They are strong and determined individuals
- They are firm in his or her views and consequence more or less obstinate and determined in all they as individuals undertake.
- People Born On Sunday and all those who come under Number 1 are very ambitious people.
- They dislike restraint, they always rise in whatever their profession or occupation may be.
- They desire to become the heads of whatever their businesses are, and as departmental chiefs, they keep their authority and make themselves respected and “looked up to” by their subordinates.
Important days for People Born on Sunday
People Born On Sunday and number 1 people should endeavor to carry out their most important plans and ideas on all days that vibrate to their own number-
such as on the 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th of any month, but especially in those periods, that discussed above, namely, from the 21st July to the 28th August, and from the 21st March to the 28th April.
those born on the 2nd, 4th, 7th, 11th, 13th, 16th, 20th, 22nd, 25th, 29th, and 31st, especially those born in the strong periods indicated.
When should these people carry out their plans?
For the people Born On Sunday and number 1 people, the days of the week most fortunate for Sunday and Monday, and especially so if one of their “own numbers” should also fall on that day, such as-
the 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th, and next to that their interchangeable numbers of 2, 4, 7, such as the 2nd, 4th, 7th, 11th, 13th, 16th, 20th, 22nd 25th, 29th, or 31st.
The most fortunate color for People Born On Sunday and number 1 people
The most fortunate colors are all shades of gold, yellows, and bronze to a golden brown.
If possible, they should wear shades of amber color.
The most fortunate jewels for People Born On Sunday and number 1 people
Their “lucky” jewels are the topaz, amber, yellow diamond, and all stones of these colors.
Personality Traits of People Born On Monday
Monday is influenced by the energy of two planets the Moon and the Neptune
Lord Dedicated to Monday
Monday is dedicated to Lord Shiva.
These people are called THE NUMBER 2 people
The number 2 stands in symbolism for the Moon.
The moon has the feminine attributes of the Sun, and, therefore the number 1 and number 2 people are opposite in their characters.
But, their vibrations are harmonious and they make good combinations.
Important traits of the People Born On Monday and number 2 people possess the following important traits-
- People Born On Monday and Number 2 persons are gentle by nature.
- They are imaginative, artistic, and romantic.
- As the number 1 people, they are also inventive, but they are not as forceful in carrying out their ideas in implementation.
- Their qualities are more on the mental than the physical plane and they are seldom as strong physically as those born on Sunday.
Number 2 people are those also who are born on -
the 2nd, 11th, 20th, or 29th in any month, but their characteristics are the more marked if they are born between the -
20th June and the 27th of July, this period is what is called the “House of the Moon”.
People Born On Monday or Number 2 persons and People Born On Sunday or number 1 vibrates together, and to a lesser degree with number 7 people, such as those born on the 7th, 16th, or 25th in any month.
When should these people carry out their plans?
People Born On Monday and Number 2 persons should endeavor to carry out their chief plans and ideas on days whose numbers vibrate with their own, such as on -
the 2nd, 11th, 20th, or 29th of any month, but more especially during the period of the 20th June to the 27th of July.
The days of the week more fortunate or “lucky” for them are -
Sunday, Monday, and Friday (the reason Friday is favorable in this case is that it is governed by Venus),
and especially so if, like the number 1 people, one of their own numbers should fall on either of these days, such as -
the 2nd, 11th, 20th, or 29th, and next to these their interchangeable numbers of 1, 4,
7, such as the 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th, 13th, 16th, 19th, 22nd, 25th, 28th, or 31st.
Warnings for the people born on Monday
Jewels for People Born On Monday and Number 2 People
Moonstone and silver are good for them
Color for People Born On Monday and Number 2 People
White, silver, and all the light shades
Personality Traits of People Born On Tuesday
The people born on Tuesday carry the energy of Mars.
Lord Dedicated to Tuesday
Tuesday is dedicated to Lord Hanuman.
The number of mars is 9 therefore these people also called the number 9 people.
This number also influences all persons who born on the 9 the, 18th, and 27th, of any month, but still more so if their birthday falls in the period -
between the 21st March and April 19th-26th (called the House of Mars Positive) or -
in the period between the 21st October and November 20th-27th (called the House of Mars Negative.)
People Born On Tuesday and Number 9 persons are fighters in all they attempt in life.
- They usually have difficult times in their early years, but generally, they are, in the end, successful by their grit, strong will, and determination.
- In character, they are hasty in temper, impulsive, independent, and desire to be their own masters.
- Due to their traits and energy People Born On Tuesday and the number 9 people make great enemies, to cause strife and opposition wherever they may be and they are often wounded or killed either in warfare or in the battle of life.
- People Born On Tuesday and number 9 people have great courage and make excellent soldiers or leaders in any cause they espouse.
- Their greatest dangers arise from foolhardiness and impulsiveness in word and action.
- They are also peculiarly prone to accidents from fire and explosions and rarely get through life without injury from such causes.
- As a general rule, they go under many operations by the surgeon’s knife.
- They usually experience many quarrels and strife in their home life, either, with their own relations or with the family they marry into.
- They strongly resent criticism, and even when not conceited, they have always a good opinion of themselves, brooking no interference with their plans.
- They like to be “looked up to” and recognized as “the head of the house.”
- They are resourceful and excellent in the organization, but they must have the fullest control; if not, they lose heart and stand aside and let things go to pieces.
- For affection and sympathy, they will do almost anything, and the men of this number can be made the greatest fools of if some clever woman gets pulling at their heartstrings.
those born on the 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 18th, 21st, 24th, 27th, or 30th of any month.
This number 9 has some very curious properties. It is the only number in the calculation that, multiplied by any number, always reproduces itself, for example, 9 times 2 is 18, and 1 plus 8 becomes again the 9, and so on with every number, it is multiplied by.
Lucky Color for People Born On Tuesday and number 9 people
The “lucky” colors for persons born under the number 9 are all shades of crimson or red, also all rose tones and pink.
Important days for People Born On Tuesday and number 9 people
- Their most important days in the week are Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, but more especially Tuesday (called Mars Day).
- Number 9 people should endeavor to carry out their plans and aims at all days that fall under their “own number,” such as-
the 9th, 18th, or 27th in any month, but more especially when these dates fall in the “period of the 9”, between -
the 21st March and April 19th-26th, or from the 21st October to November 20th-27th.
And when the 9th, 18th, or 27th, falls on their “own day,” as mentioned above, or one of their interchangeable numbers which as -
the 3 and 6, such as the 3rd, 6th, 12th, 15th, 21st, 24th, and 30th.
Lucky Stones People Born On Tuesday
Their “lucky” stones are the ruby, garnet, and bloodstone, and they should wear one of these stones next to their skin.
For all purposes of occult calculation, the numbers 7 and 9 are considered the most important of all.
The 7 has always been understood to relate to the spiritual plane, acting as the God or creative force on the Earth, and being creative, it is the uplifting “urge” towards the higher development of the spiritual in humanity.
The 9 on the contrary, being, in the Planetary World, the representative of the Planet Mars. It is the number of physical force.
People Born On Wednesday and The Number 5 People
People born on Wednesday come under the vibrations of Wednesday
The number 5 stands in symbolism for the Planet Mercury and is versatile and mercurial in all its characteristics.
Lord Dedicated to Wednesday
Wednesday is dedicated to Lord Ganesha.
Number 5 people are also all those who are born on the 5th, 14th, and 23rd
in any month, but their characteristics are still more marked if they are born in what is called the “period of the 5,” which is from -
the 21st May to June 20th-27th, and from the 21 stAugust to September 20th-27th.
5th, 14th, and 23rd of any month.
- People born on Wednesday and Number 5 people are mentally very highly strung.
- They live on their nerves and appear to crave excitement.
- People born on Wednesday are quick in thought and decisions and impulsive in their actions.
- They detest any plodding kind of work and seem natural to drift into all methods of making money quickly.
- People born on Wednesday have a keen sense of making money through inventions and new ideas.
- They are born speculators, prone to Stock Exchange transactions, and generally are willing and ready to run risks in all they undertake.
- People born on Wednesday have the most wonderful elasticity of character.
- People born on Wednesday rebound quickly from the heaviest blow; nothing seems to affect them for very long; like their symbol, quicksilver, which Mercury represents, the blows of Fate leave no indentations on their character.
- If they are by nature good they remain so; if bad, not all the preaching in the world will make the slightest effect on them.
Important Days for People born on Wednesday and Number 5 people
People born on Wednesday should endeavor to carry out their plans and aims at all days that fall under their “own number,” such as-
the 5th, 14th, or 23rd of any month, but more especially when these dates fall in the “period of the 5,” namely from -
the 21st May to June 20th-27th, or from the 21st August to September 20th-27th.
Lucky Days for People born on Wednesday and Number 9 People
The days of the week more fortunate or “lucky” for them are Wednesday and Friday, especially if their “own number” falls on one of these days.
Personality Traits of People Born On Thursday
People born on Thursday carry the energy of the planet Jupiter
Lord Dedicated to Thursday
Thursday is dedicated to Lord Vishnu
Jupiter plays a most important role both in Astrology and in all systems of Numerology. The number of Jupiter is 3.
Persons having a 3 for their Birth number are also those who are born on -
the 3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th in any month, but the number 3 has still more significance if they should be born in what is called the “period of the 3,” from-
the I9th February to March 20 th-27 th, or from the 21 stNovember to December 20 th-27 th.
personality traits of the People Born on Thursday and Number 3 People
- People Born on Thursday and Number 3 people, are decidedly ambitious. People born on Thursday and number 3 people are never satisfied by being in subordinate positions.
- People born on Thursday and the number 3 people have aim is to rise in the world, and to have control and authority over others.
- People born on Thursday and number 3 are excellent in the execution of commands;
- People born on Thursday and number 3 love order and discipline in all things; they readily obey orders themselves, but they also insist on having their orders obeyed.
- People born on Thursday and number 3 people often rise to the very highest positions in any business, profession, or sphere in which they may be found.
- People born on Thursday and number 3 often excel in positions of authority in the army and navy, in government, and in life generally; and especially in all posts of trust and responsibility, as they are extremely conscientious in carrying out their duties.
- Their faults are that they are inclined to be dictatorial, to “lay down the law” and to insist on carrying out their own ideas.
- For this reason, although they are not quarrelsome, they succeed in making many enemies.
- People born on Thursday and number 3 people are singularly proud; they dislike being under an obligation to others;
- People born on Thursday and number 3 are also exceptionally independent and chafe under the least restraint.
Important days for the People Born on Thursday
People born on Thursday and number 3 people should endeavor to carry out their plans and aims on all days that vibrate to their own number, such as on -
the 3rd, 12th, 21st, and 30th of any month, but more especially when these dates fall in the “period of the 3,” such as -
from the I9th February to March 20th-27th, and from the 2Ist November to December 20th-27th.
Important days for the Thursday Born People and Number 3 People
The days of the week more “lucky” for them are Thursday, Friday, and Tuesday; Thursday being the most important.
These days are especially good if a number making a 3 should fall on it, such as -
the 3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th, and next in order their interchangeable numbers of 6 and 9 such as -
the 6th, 9th, 15th, 18th, 24th, or 27th
People born on Thursday and number 3 people are more in harmony with those born under their own number or under the 6 and 9, such as -
all those who are born on a 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th. 6th, 15th, 24th. 9th, 18th, 27th.
For “lucky” colors they should wear some shade of mauve, violet, or purple, or some touch of these colors should always be with them; also in the rooms in which they live.
All shades of blue, crimson, and rose are also favorable to them, but more as secondary colors.
Lucky Stone for People born on Thursday and number 3
Their “lucky” stone is the amethyst. They should always have one on their persons, and, if possible, wear it next to their skin.
Personality Traits of People Born On Friday
People born on Friday carry the energy of the planet Venus.
Ways to Please Goddess Lakshmi To Get Money Fast
Lord Dedicated to Friday
Friday is dedicated to Goddess Laxmi.
Persons having a 6 as their Birth number are also all those who are born on -
the 6th, 15th, or 24th of any month, but they are more especially influenced by this number if they are born in what is called the “House of the 6th,” which is from -
the 20th April to May 20th-27th, and from the 21st September to October 20th-27th.
Personality Traits of People born on Friday
- Friday born on Friday and number 6 people is extremely magnetic.
- They attract others to them, and they are loved and often worshipped by those under them.
- People born on Thursday and number 6 are very determined in carrying
out their plans, and may, in fact, be deemed obstinate and unyielding, except when they themselves become deeply attached: in such a case they become devoted slaves to those they love.
- Although number 6 people are considered influenced by the Planet Venus, yet as a rule, theirs is more the “mother love” than the sensual.
- They lean to the romantic and ideal in all matters of the affections.
- In some ways they take very strongly after the supposed qualities of Venus, People born on Friday and number 6 love beautiful things,
- they make most artistic homes, are fond of rich colors, also paintings, statuary, and music.
- If rich, they are most generous to art and artists, they love to entertain their friends and make everyone happy about them, but the one thing they cannot stand is discord and jealousy.
- When roused by anger, People born on Friday and number 6 will brook no opposition and will fight to the death for whatever person or cause they espouse, or out of their sense of duty.
- The number 6 people have got the power of making more friends than any other class, with the exception of the number 5.
- But especially so with all the people who born under the vibration of the 3, the 6, the 9, or all their series.
Their most important days in the week are Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, and especially so if a number of 3, 6, or 9, such as -
the 3rd 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 18th, 21st, 24th, 27th, or 30th, should fall on one of those days.
People born on Thursday and number 6 people should endeavor to carry out their plans and aims at all dates that fall under their “own number,” such as -
the 6th, 15th, or 24th of any month, but more especially when these dates fall in the “period of the 6,” namely, between the 20th April and May 20th- 27th, or from the 21st September to October 20th-27th.
Their lucky colors are all shades of blue, from the lightest to the darkest, also all shades of rose or pink, but they should avoid wearing black or dark purple.
- Their “lucky” stone is especially the turquoise, and, as far as possible, they should wear one, or a piece of a turquoise matrix, next to their skin.
- Emeralds are also “lucky” for the number 6 people.
Personality Traits of people born on Saturday
People born on Saturday are influenced by the energy of Saturn.
Lord Dedicated to Saturday
Saturday is dedicated to Lord Shani.
This number also influences all persons born on -
the 8th, I7th, or 26th, in any month, but still more so if their birthday comes between the 21st December and the 26th January, which period is called the House of Saturn (Positive), and from -
the 26th January to February I9th-26th, the period called the House of Saturn (Negative).
- People born on Saturday and number 8 are much misunderstood in their lives, and perhaps for this reason they feel intensely lonely at heart.
- They have deep and very intense natures, the great strength of individuality; they generally play some important role on life’s stage, but usually, one, which is fatalistic, or as the instrument of Fate for others.
- If at all religious, they go to extremes and are fanatics in their zeal.
- In any cause they take up, they attempt to carry it through despite all argument or opposition, and in doing so they generally make bitter and relentless enemies.
- People born on Saturday and the number 8 people often appear cold and undemonstrative, though, in reality, they have warm hearts towards the oppressed of all classes; but they hide their feelings and allow people to think just what they please.
- People born on Saturday and the number 8 people are either great successes or great failures; there appears to be no happy medium in their case.
- If ambitious; they generally aim for public life or government responsibility of some kind, and often hold very high positions involving great sacrifice on their part.
- It is not, however, from a worldly standpoint, a fortunate number to be born under, and such persons often are called on to face the very greatest sorrows, losses, and humiliations.
Lucky Color for People born on Saturday and number 8 people
People born on Saturday The “lucky” colors for people born under the 8 are all shades of dark grey, black, dark blue, and purple.
If number 8 persons were to dress in light colors they would look awkward, and as if there were something wrong with them.
Important days for People born on Saturday and number 8 People
The number 8 is a Saturn number, Saturday is, therefore, their most important day, but on account of the number 4 having an influence on a Sunday and in a secondary way on a Monday, the number 8 people will find Saturday, Sunday, and Monday their most important days
Number 8 people should endeavor to carry out their plans and aims at all days that fall under their “own number,” such as -
Lucky stones for People born on Saturday and Number 8 People
the 8th, I7th, or 26th in any month, but more especially so when these dates fall in the “period of the 8,” namely, from -
the 2Ist December to January 20th-27th, and from that date to February I9th-26th; also if these dates fall on a Saturday, Sunday, or Monday, or their interchangeable number, which is 4 such as the 4th, 13th, 22nd, or 31st.
Their “lucky” stones are the amethyst and the dark-toned sapphire, also the black pearl or the black diamond and if possible they should wear one of these next to their skin.
The number 8 is a difficult number to explain. It represents two worlds, the material and the spiritual.
It is in fact, if one regards it, like two circles just touching together.
It is composed of two equal numbers 4 and 4.
From the earliest ages, it has been associated with the symbol of an irrevocable Fate, both in connection with the lives of individuals or nations.
In Astrology it stands for Saturn, which is also called the Planet of Fate.
One side of the nature of this number represents upheaval, revolution, anarchy, waywardness, and eccentricities of all kinds.
The other side represents philosophic thought, a strong leaning towards occult studies, religious devotion, the concentration of purpose, zeal for any cause espoused, and a fatalistic outlook coloring all actions.
Personality Traits of People Born On Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
The seven days of the week are the outcome of the nine planets the most important and creative powers of the universe.
Days of the week on which you were born are very important.
Each day represents the energy of the corresponding planet.
This energy more or less impacts the person who born on the day of a particular planet.
Numbers correspond to the 9 Planets are as follows:
Sun . . . . . . 1
Moon . . . . . . 2
Jupiter . . . . . . 3
Uranus . . . . . . 4
Mercury . . . . . . 5
Venus . . . . . . 6
Neptune . . . . . . 7
Saturn . . . . . . 8
Mars . . . . . . 9
Therefore, the Numbers Given To the Days Of The Week Are As Below-
Sunday . . . . . . 1–4 (Sun — Uranus)
Monday . . . . . . 2–7 ( Moon — Neptune)
Tuesday . . . . . . 9 (Mars)
Wednesday . . . . . . 5 (Mercury)
Thursday . . . . . . 3 ( Jupiter)
Friday . . . . . . 6 (Venus)
Saturday . . . . . . 8 (Saturn)
The Sun and the Moon are the only two Planet having what is called “double numbers,” because the Sun and Uranus are interrelated ones to another, so the number of the Sun is written as 1- 4.
The Moon being interrelated with Neptune is written as 2–7.
Personality traits of a person who born on a particular day are as follows-
Originally published at on November 1, 2020.