Karmic relationships — Who Comes as Son & daughter — lifeinvedas
Karmic relationships — Karmic relationships mean relationships that occur in the present life due to your past life karma. In fact everyone who ever comes in your contact is due to some past life karma whether that is your beloved, your spouse, your parents your son, your daughter, your friends, your boss or anyone else.
Everything is predefined through your past activities and intentions. Intentions behind your actions are more important than your actions.
Same karma may be rewarded by the law of universe due to the good intentions at one time and other time the same karma is punished by the law of universe due to your wrong intentions.Hence, always be careful about your thoughts and your intentions.
For example if you kill a person just to fulfill your desires, and to fulfill your ego then definitely you will be punished by the law of universe but, if you kill a person to save others, to save society and to save humanity then you will be rewarded. As you see in the “MAHABHARTA” Arjun is rewarded by the Lord Krishna however he killed thousands of people in the war.
Causes of Karmic relationships
The main cause of karmic relationships is your “I”/ego/ or your selfishness. You do everything in this world as a doer. You do everything due to your selfishness. For instance -
- You give money someone and expect return from them in any form.
- You do favor and expect the same from others
- Behind everything you have a feeling of selfishness.
(You say -
- I gave money him,
- I did a lot for him,
- I am head of of the family,
- I do everything for you,
- I am kind and doing everything for all, etc.),
however, the real doer is God. God is hidden in your image and seeing and doing everything. You are nothing. You are a false ego only.
Due to your false ego you come on the earth, play, and go, repeatedly again and again.
Due to this feeling of selfishness (False Ego) the energy of your karma is united with the energy of others from whom you expect return of your karma. This is one of the important causes why you come again and again on the earth infinitely.
In every life you do some karma for others or against others and the energy of yours and others tied together and forces both of you to come again to balance the same energy and repay the debt.
Who Comes as Son & daughter in Your Home
Son and daughter both come in your home due to your past karmic relationship.
There are following types of energies that force a person to be your son and your daughter-
- Karmic relationships due to money you gave in the past
- Karmic relationships due to money you took from someone in the past
- Karmic relationships due to enmity
- Karmic relationship of love and care
Karmic relationships due to money you gave in the past
Sometimes a person comes in your life as your daughter or your son whom you gave money or other kinds of wealth in the past life. This past may be immediate past life or may be past to past life, or very past life, etc.
Such kinds of son and daughter care you a lot and do as much as possible for you in the same ratio as you did in the past life for this person. They respect you also and generally proved as an ideal son and daughter.
If somehow due to any reason the person takes birth in the form of animal or other species then the person may come in your home as a cow, dog, parrot or other lovable pet. Such pets loves you, cares you in the present life a lot.
Karmic relationships due to money you took in the past
If you took money from someone in the past life, the person may come in your life as your son or daughter. These kinds of children take back the money and then leave you.
Such money you have to pay with interest to your son or daughter in the present life. These kinds of son and daughter generally remain indifferent from your emotions and leave you after taking back their money.
Karmic relationships due to the past enmity
If you have the feeling of enmity against someone in the past life, now the same person may come in your life and become your enemy in the current life doesn’t matter the person is your son or daughter.
They quarrel with you and feel happy by torching you in the same amount as you did against him or her in the past life.
If due to some lower level of karma such person takes birth in the form of animal then they come as your pet and behaves the same way as you did against him or her in the past life until balance the karmic energy and then leave you.
Karmic relationship of love and care
Good karma good return and bad karma bad return, but return will be definite. You can;t escape from the return. Sometimes you get a good child who loves you, care you and always ready to do anything for you. Such kinds of children come in your life due to your past good relationships with the same person.
So, all this is the game of the law of karma. As you do the same come back to you in the same life or in the future life, no end, the cycle is infinite until you learn the lesson of life and become enlightened.
Know, the real purpose of life?
Who comes as son and daughter in your home? How does karma works?
Originally published at https://www.lifeinvedas.com on July 17, 2022.