Best Computer Science Research Topics for Good Research —
Best Computer Science Research Topics for Good Research
Computer Science Research Topics — Recently, computer professionals, students, and research scholars are taking more interest in Computer Science research.
The main problem before computer science researchers is, the selection of Computer Science research areas.
Here, the best and latest computer science research topics are discussed for the help of the researchers.
- Chat bot Technology
- Intention Mining
- Real-time image detection in Videos
- Intelligent Agents
- Web Mining
- Information Retrieval
- Search Engine
- Search Engine Optimization
- Digital Marketing
- Internet of things or IoT
- Cloud Security
- Mobile Computing
- Mobile Agents
- Intelligent Agents
- Image Processing
- Software Engineering
- Water Marking Techniques
- Network Security
- Cryptography
- Distributing Computing
- Content Management Technology
- Wearable Computing
- Ad-hoc Computing
- Data Warehousing
- Other Recent Trends and Technologies, etc.
Computer Science Research Topics — Chat bot Technology
Chat bots are conversational agents, they work like a human. In the beginning, rule-based chat bots were there, but now rule-based technology is transformed into the expert system.
Now Chat bots are more human-like, they collect information and stored the information in their repository.
They learned from the past experience like a human being and respond from their knowledge whenever new situations come before them.
There is a huge scope of research in chat bot technology to make them more expert and intelligent.
Computer Science Research Topics — Intention Mining
Intention mining is one step further than the opinion mining. In the fields on intention mining, the intention of the user is tried to identify so that their further actions can be anticipated and accordingly system reacts to give the user more comfort and reliable results.
Further, it can make more effective results that help in better decision making in the concerned domain.
Intention Mining is an entirely new area and needs research to explore the domain in order to use the intention of mining wherever it can be applied.
Real-time image detection in Videos
This is absolutely a new area of research. When you see a video which has so many faces, the real-time image detection algorithm can identify the faces and shows there name and complete addresses.
Recently, intelligent agents have become the part and parcel of our various fields such as information retrieval, internet shopping, health management system, online counseling system, hotel reservation, airplane reservations, and many more.
Still, a huge scope is there to use intelligent agents in other areas also.
Computer Science Research Topics — Big data Analysis
Big data is the hottest topic due to the huge growth of big data day by day. It has a huge scope of more researches.
To know the recent topics of Big data, click the link below — Recommended, the latest topic of Big data and Big data Analysis.
Sentiment analysis is a very new area of research in which sentiments shown on the online blogs, media, and forums are analyzed and sentiments are mined in order to forecast the results.
To know the hottest topics to do research are here — The latest topics of sentiment analysis.
Computer Science Research Topics — Data Mining
Data Mining is an interesting field of research today. It has a huge scope to do researches in the domain and apply it to the areas that are untouched until now.
To know more about the research papers of the data mining click the link — Latest topics of data mining research
Computer Science Research Topics — Opinion Mining
Opinion mining is quite similar to sentiment analysis. In the Opinion mining opinion of the people are mined and analyzed in the sentiment analysis.
To know latest topics to do research in data mining are here — Opinion mining research topics to do good research.
Computer Science Research Topics — Web Mining
Web mining is a huge domain and useful. Whenever anything unknown things come, you immediately start to search the thing on the web. Sometimes exact answers come to you but sometimes irrelevant data come before you.
To do better results some better technique is still needed. Researchers have a huge scope to design and develop better web mining systems and algorithms. To read good research papers of the domain click here.
Computer Science Research Topics — Information Retrieval
Various tools and techniques are already there to retrieve information from the internet.
Still, more research is needed to explore the domain to find more optimal ways to retrieve exact information from the internet.
To read the good research papers click the link here.
Computer Science Research Topics — Search Engine
Various search engine tools are there to crawl information.
Still, more research should be there to design and develop a more focused search engine to find an intelligent technique that can mine data according to the intention of the user.
Computer Science Research Topics — Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization techniques are those which help the websites to place the top on the first page of the search engine.
There is a vast scope of research in this domain to design and develop ways that help the developers and admin to place their website on the first page of the search engine.
Computer Science Research Topics — Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing domain helps the business websites and persons who market their products digitally on the internet and social media sites.
However various techniques are there to market information online, but researchers can more explore the domain to find better ways and tools for digital marketing.
IoT or the internet of things refers to the integration of various wireless-enabled devices, objects, humans and other electrical and mechanical entities to ease life and professional working.
It is an emerging area and a huge scope is there to explore the field and develop better algorithms to make the working and life comfortable.
Cloud computing ease the working and save the resources via facilitating cloud-based resources to the business and personal life management.
It facilitates the businesses and enables the working from the home with very fewer resources or with a mobile phone only.
Still, security is a very challenging field in cloud computing. Therefore, there is a need to develop security techniques to prevent hacking and internet threats.
Latest research papers on Cloud Computing
Mobile computing allows people to communicate while mobile via wireless infrastructure. There are a number of algorithms and protocols that are there to facilitate the user.
But due to dynamic infrastructure and topology still, various challenges are there that need to be fixing. So more research is needed to explore the domain and fix the issues.
Mobile Agents
Agents are those who work on behalf of someone else like on behalf of a company, place, etc. Mobile agents are software programs that work for their owners.
Recently, there is no area in the software where agents are not there. Still, there is a need to take work more effectively and efficiently from the software agents.
Intelligent Agents
Intelligent agents are those who can work as a human being. Who can think and take decisions on the basis of past experiences, the same as the human being?
This is a developing domain and therefore more research is needed to explore the field and develop better human-like intelligent agents.
Image Processing
Image processing is the domain that is applied more and more nowadays in so many applications to enhance security feathers. Still, so many areas are there where image processing can work wonders in improving security.
For example one of the very important areas to apply image processing is voting through thumb impression.
Another area is to withdraw money from ATM via thumb impression or any other biometric applications, etc.
Software Engineering
It is a versatile field comprising various sub-areas to explore more to design and develop fast and reusable components to ease the software development.
Water Marking Techniques
To enhance the security of the electronic documents water marking technique is used.
The researcher should explore the field to develop better water marking techniques. Latest research papers
Network Security
Security is the most challenging issue for sensitive data during the data transferring from one place to another place via the Internet.
To improve the security of the data so many new technologies and protocols are developed. But still, there is a vast scope to explore the area more and enhance security.
Cryptography is used from ancient times to hide or modify sensitive information through passwords, substituting original data, transposition of characters and many more methods.
Despite of so many algorithms still, data is hacked and misused.
Therefore more techniques should be explored to find better ways to secure important information.
Latest research papers on Cryptography
In the time of distributing computing, there is a high demand to design and develop smart, improved and intelligent ways to compute data distributed on different sites as well as centralized data on distributed locations.
Content Management Technology
Content management technology is new for researchers. However, various content management systems are available which are free of cost to use.
But still better content management systems are needed to manage data online. This is a new research field hence; no good paper is still available on the internet.
There are so many wearable accessories on the Internet to buy and wear. Still, there is a need to explore the domain more.
Because present wearable devices need optimizations to improve their accuracy and reliability.
Moreover, there is a huge scope to design and develop better accessories to make them easier and smart.
Computer Science Research Topics — Ad hoc Computing
Ad hoc computing comprises wireless computing techniques that are highly dynamic and fast.
There is a vast scope to do research in the domain to design and develop improve techniques to do work fast and more efficiently.
Data warehousing refers to store the data for future purposes. Due to the huge growth of Internet technologies, IoT, smart cities and smart countries, a data warehouse is growing tremendously with new kinds of information day by day.
There is a need to store such data properly so that this can be used easily and efficiently whenever need.
Originally published at on February 27, 2020.