v21 Ways To Improve Vision or Eyesight Without Glasses — Life In Vedas

Mamta Rajshree
6 min readMay 4, 2019


Everyone wants to make one’s vision perfectly alright. But in this fast pace of life and tough routine, it is very difficult to follow all the daily protocols to make vision perfect and eyes fine. The increasing use of mobile, television, laptop, and electronic gadgets make one’s routine worst resulting in eye problems become a big issue not only for elders but children too.

To improve vision or eyesight good some simple home remedies and easy eye exercises are here for you:-

How To Improve Eye Sight Naturally

Improve Vision through Massage Your Feet

  • Massage your feet daily or thrice a week with mustard oil. While doing massage use right hand to massage the feet of the left side and use the left hand to massage the feet of the right side to get fast wonderful results. If you do this daily you will see improvement in your vision very soon approximately in 15 days.
  • Do massage your big toes and between the big toes and small toes properly daily to improve vision fast.

Improve Vision through Yogic Eye Exercises

  • Fill your Mouth with fresh water and splash water on your eyes daily twice a day about 10 to 20 times to prevent your vision from getting low.
  • Rub your palms together speedily and after rubbing your palms put your warm palms on your eyes. Do it 5 to 10 times. This exercise heels your eyes and relaxes them when they stressed after sitting before laptops and mobiles.
  • Sit in a comfortable posture and rotate your eyes clockwise and anticlockwise 10 to 15 times daily. To do the exercise comfortably rotate your finger clockwise and see your tip of the finger. Similarly, rotate your finger anticlockwise and see your tip of the finger. It is simple but effective if you do it daily.

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Improve Eye Sight Naturally with Fruits and Vegetables

Improve Vision with Gooseberry

Gooseberry works wonders with eyes and improves vision fast. You can consume gooseberry in any form like sweet candies, sour candies, and sweet liquid gooseberry. Gooseberry works well with eyes in all the forms and you will find improvements within 7 days.

You can apply gooseberry externally also in the following ways:

Take dried gooseberry and dip it into the water in the night. Next day in the mooring and afternoon wash your eyes with this water. It cures all the problems of eyes and improves vision.

Improve Vision with Spinach, and Green Vegetables

To improve vision consumes spinach, Cabbage, and green vegetables. Also, consume yellow fruits such as papaya, Orange, lemon. All these fruits and vegetables are rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E which is good for eyesight.

Improve Vision with Cabbage

Consume cabbage in the raw or boiled form to improve vision. Make a salad of cabbage and consume the salad after applying raw salt and black chilies.

Improve Vision and Eyesight with Papaya Seeds

Consume riped papaya and also consume its seeds. If it is not possible to consume seeds directly then let them dry and make a powder of dried seeds. Consume this powder with fresh water. These seeds are good for eyes and also make your immunity better and stay away from you from so many diseases.

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Why Papaya is a King of the Fruits?

Improve Vision and eyesight with Pure Cow butter and Black Chilies

Take one teaspoon pure cow butter and add black chilies powder. Consume this mixture early in the morning. You can add some red sugar (jaggery powder) to enhance the taste.

Improve Vision and Eyesight with Carrot

Consume carrot either directly or make its juice and consume it daily after taking your meal.

Improve Vision with Onion and Garlic

Onion and Garlic are medicine for the eyes. It improves eyesight and prevents eye problems. So add them in your daily meals.

Drishti Eyedrops is very good for the eyes. The base component of the Drishti eyedrops is Onion Juice.

Improve Vision and Eyesight with Grapes

Grapes are good to consume in order to improve Vision and eyesight.

Improve Vision with Walnuts, Harad and Black Chillies

Take three Harad Seeds, burn them and make their powder. Consume this powder with two walnuts and 4 black chilies powder. It improves eyesight and improves vision.

Improve Vision with Small Illichi, Sounf, and Milk

Take 100-gram small size green Illaichi and 200-gram Saunf and grind them to make powder. Consume one teaspoon of powder with milk daily early in the morning.

Improve Vision with Pomegranates peals

Take 5 to 7 leaves of pomegranates and grind them. If your eyes become red and you are feeling pain then apply this mixture on your red painful eyes. It cures eyes and also improves vision.

Improve Vision with Grams and Sounf

Consume Grams and Sounf powder with cow milk. It improves vision and improves eyesight.

Improve Vision with Red Masoor

Red Massor is very good to improve eyesight and improve vision. Fry red massor with pure cow butter and consume daily or alternatively.

Improve Vision with Trifla Powder

Take half teaspoon of trifla powder, add one teaspoon sweet honey and consume it before sleeping. It improves vision, cure problems of eyes and also make you strong.

Improve Vision with Mulathi Powder

Consume one teaspoon Mulathi powder, with one teaspoon honey and half teaspoon pure cow butter to improve vision and cure eyes problems. Do it for three months to remove your glasses.

Improve Vision with Walnut Oil

Do massage your eyes with the help of walnut oil. It improves vision fast and helps you to remove your glasses.

Read the wonders of WALNUTS

Improve Vision with sound Sleep

Take proper eight hours of sleep to give complete rest to your eyes and improve vision.

Stay Away From These Habits to Live Uptill 100 Years

Improve Vision with Walk

Early morning walk barefoot on the green grass. It gives you freshness and also improves eyesight. Also, rise early in the morning to improve vision and stay away from diseases. Late rising after sunrise gives so many diseases and make dull a person. Also, late sleeping is injurious for eyes and health both.

Don’t miss — You should rise early in the morning for these reasons

Also, follow the tips to improve vision and stay away from eye diseases

  • Never study while lying on a bed
  • Don’t read books on the journey
  • Don’t gaze to Sun
  • Don’t work on mobile in the darkroom
  • Don’t work on a laptop for a long time continuously
  • Never use hair colors. They have a great negative impact on your eyes.
  • Don’t watch TV for a long time. They negatively impact your eyes.

Also, Read

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Originally published at https://www.lifeinvedas.com on May 4, 2019.



Mamta Rajshree
Mamta Rajshree

Written by Mamta Rajshree

Life coach, counselor, healer and editor of a website lifeinvedas.com. Please visit website www.lifeinvedas.com email: lifeinvedas@gmail.com www.lifeinvedas.com

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